Key data

Group data

2021   2020 2019
Energy consumption
Road fuel usage (litres) 16 114 297* 19 186 337 22 250 296
Electricity purchased (megawatt hours) 73 317* 75 713 80 146
Scope 1 emissions (tCO2)1, 2 44 586* 49 319 56 426
Scope 2 emissions (tCO2)3 65 306* 67 348 71 844
Scope 3 emissions (tCO2)4 105* 1 625
Total emissions (tCO2) 109 997* 118 292 128 270
Water purchased from municipalities (kilolitres) 570 089* 603 509 611 223
Environmental incidents 0   0 0
Oil recycled (litres) 2 209 502   1 952 693 2 009 394
Environmental compliance
Fines or penalties for environmental incidents 0   0 0
Methodology used: the Greenhouse Gas Protocol – a Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised Edition). The boundary used is operational control.
1 Tonnes of carbon dioxide.
2 Scope 1: all direct emissions from the activities of Motus or under our control, including fuel combustion and on-site oil (fleet vehicles, air-conditioning or generators).
3 Scope 2: indirect emissions from the electricity Motus purchases and uses.
4 Scope 3: all other indirect emissions from activities that Motus does not own or control; includes emissions from business travel.

Satisfied with performance.

Area for improvement.

* Assured (see the independent limited assurance report).